112-SOS Deiak

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usko Jaurlaritza - Gobierno Vasco
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Introducing 112-SOSDeiak App! Stay connected with the Emergency Coordination Centers of Euskadi, by making a direct phone call to 112, including GPS location. If that's not possible, access the app using voice commands and select from 4 groups: accidents, medical emergencies, fire, and robbery-assault. A subsequent chat feature will enable you to provide more precise details about the emergency. Download now and ensure your safety!

Features of this app:

- Direct communication with Emergency Coordination Centers: Users can communicate directly with Emergency Coordination Centers in Euskadi through a phone call to the emergency number - This allows for quick and efficient reporting of emergencies.

- GPS location inclusion: When making an emergency call, the app automatically includes the GPS location of the user. This helps emergency services to quickly locate and respond to the emergency.

- Voiceless access: In cases where making a phone call is not possible, the app provides a voiceless access option. Users can select the type of emergency from four classified groups - accident, medical urgency, fire, and robbery/aggression.

- Chat functionality: After reporting the emergency, users can engage in a chat with emergency services to provide better details and precision about the situation. This helps in effective communication and better response.

- Privacy policy: The app provides a privacy policy that outlines how user data is collected, stored, and used. This ensures transparency and user trust in the handling of their personal information.

- Easy to use interface: The app is designed with a user-friendly interface, making it easy for users to navigate and quickly access the necessary features during emergencies.


The 112-SOSDeiak app is a highly useful tool for residents in Euskadi to quickly and efficiently report emergencies to Emergency Coordination Centers. The inclusion of GPS location and voiceless access options ensures that emergencies can be reported even in situations where making a phone call is not possible. The chat functionality further aids in providing detailed information to emergency services. With a user-friendly interface and a transparent privacy policy, the app is designed to attract users and provide a seamless experience during emergency situations. Click the link below to download the app and stay prepared for any emergencies in Euskadi.