AllTimely Plus

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The Local Machine, LLC
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AllTimely Plus  is an innovative app designed to foster creativity, choice, and exploration within educational settings. Students gain the freedom to choose from a variety of activities during their dedicated Genius Hour, ranging from learning coach classes to extracurricular pursuits. Through a dedicated web application, teachers curate these activities, personalize schedules, and manage student and teacher accounts for a seamless experience. Administrators benefit from a comprehensive dashboard with detailed reports to monitor student progress and engagement effectively. AllTimely transforms learning into a dynamic, customizable, and holistic experience for all involved.

Features of AllTimely Plus:

> Choice and flexibility: AllTimely Plus Genius Hour/Enrichment Period empowers students to explore their own interests and be creative in the classroom. It allows them to choose one or more activities during the school day that align with their passions.

> Customizable activities: Teachers can use the web application to define activities for learning Coach classes and extracurricular activities. This ensures that the activities are tailored to the students' needs and interests.

> School-specific website: AllTimely creates a personalized web address for each school, reinforcing their unique identity. This makes it easy for students and teachers to access the platform and log into their accounts.

> Seamless integration: The app imports students and teachers from the school's database, enabling them to log into AllTimely without any hassle. This eliminates the need for manual data entry and streamlines the onboarding process.

> User-friendly interface: Students can easily log in by selecting their school, and then use their username/password credentials for the school-branded login. They can browse and select activities based on their schools' defined days, and receive notifications if any activity gets cancelled.

> Comprehensive school view: School administrators can access a full dashboard that provides an overview of which students are assigned to specific activities. The app also identifies students who are not in any activities and can automatically assign them to a default activity, if needed. Additionally, there are more than 20 reports available to gain a holistic understanding of the school's Genius Hour program.


AllTimely Plus Genius Hour/Enrichment Period  empowers students to pursue their interests and fosters creativity in the classroom. With customizable activities, seamless integration, and a comprehensive dashboard, it simplifies the management of Genius Hour programs and provides a holistic view of student engagement. Click here to download the app and revolutionize your students' learning experiences.