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Introducing CenterCard, the ultimate app for managing corporate expenses, travel, and budgets. With the app and Mastercard, you'll have a seamless experience from start to finish. Say goodbye to manual reconciliation and chasing down receipts! With real-time visibility into all employee spending, finance teams can make optimal decisions. Activate your CenterCard, snap photos of receipts on the go, and easily submit expenses for reimbursement. Keep track of spending limits, approve team expenses, and manage physical and virtual cards all in one place. Need to book corporate travel? Center has you covered, with easy booking and personalized travel profiles. Say hello to hassle-free expense management with Center.

Features of CenterCard:

> Connected Corporate Card, Expense Management, and Integrated Travel Solution: Center is a comprehensive platform that combines corporate card management, expense tracking, and business travel bookings all in one place. It provides real-time visibility into employee spending, automates the expense process, and empowers finance teams with the necessary controls and insights.

> Simplified Expense Process: Center aims to simplify the expense process for spenders by offering an intuitive and user-friendly interface. Users can easily activate their CenterCard, submit expenses, and resolve disputes or fraud incidents directly within the app.

> Swipe, Snap, Submit: With the app, users can conveniently swipe their CenterCard and instantly capture photos of receipts on the go. The app automatically populates key details like vendor, amount, and expense type, making it effortless to track and submit expenses. Furthermore, users can quickly get reimbursed for out-of-pocket expenses.

> Budget Management: Center allows users to manage their budgets effectively by providing them with a clear overview of spend limits, reimbursement status, and outstanding purchase submissions. Users can review and approve their team's expenses with just a click, and also have the ability to lock, unlock, and close physical and virtual cards. The app also offers features to report fraud, adjust limits, and order card replacements.

Tips for Users:

> Make use of the swipe and snap feature: Take advantage of the convenient swipe and snap feature to capture receipts and collect expense details effortlessly, even while on the move. This will help speed up the expense submission process and ensure accuracy.

> Regularly review and approve expenses: Stay proactive in managing your team's expenses by regularly reviewing and approving them. This not only ensures that expenses are in line with company policies, but also helps to maintain control over the budget.

> Customize your travel profile: Take the time to create a personalized travel profile within the app. Adding important details such as airline or hotel loyalty programs, flight preferences, and enabling push notifications for flight updates will enhance your travel booking experience and streamline expense reporting.


CenterCard app, along with CenterCard® Mastercard®, provides a connected corporate card, expense management, and integrated travel solution. With its user-friendly interface and features like swipe and snap expense capture, budget management, and streamlined travel booking, Center simplifies the expense process for both spenders and finance teams. Users can conveniently track and submit expenses, manage budgets, and book business travel all within the app. It's a comprehensive solution that not only accelerates month-end close and eliminates manual reconciliation but also provides real-time visibility and control over all aspects of corporate spending.