Family Practice Guidelines FNP

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Introducing the Family Practice Guidelines FNP app for Nurse Practitioners! Family Practice Guidelines FNP is designed to help primary care professionals improve their skillset and provide the best possible care for their patients. Developed by Springer Publishing, it is the top resource for family practice in primary care. With step-by-step instructions for physical examinations, diagnostic tests, and information on health promotion, this app is a comprehensive guide for all your patient care needs. It also includes culturally responsive care practices, patient resources, and standards of care. Whether you're a seasoned Nurse Practitioner or just starting out, this app is a must-have for your professional toolkit. Upgrade today for unlimited access to all the features and stay up to date with the latest guidelines and practices. Don't miss out on this invaluable resource for your practice!

Features of Family Practice Guidelines FNP:

- Step-by-step instructions: The app provides detailed instructions for physical examinations and diagnostic tests in the outpatient setting, making it easy for nurse practitioners to follow along.

- Health promotion information: Users can access valuable information on health promotion, enabling them to educate and empower their patients to maintain their health throughout their lifespan.

- Primary care and clinical guide: The app serves as a comprehensive guide for primary care professionals, offering practical advice and guidelines for delivering high-quality patient care.

- Dietary information: Nurse practitioners can access dietary information, allowing them to provide meaningful nutritional guidance to their patients.

- Culturally Responsive Care (CRC): The app includes information on CRC, ensuring that nurse practitioners have the necessary knowledge and skills to deliver culturally competent care to patients from diverse backgrounds.

- Patient resources: Nurse practitioners can access a variety of patient resources, including educational handouts and teaching guides, to support and enhance their patient interactions.


Download the Family Practice Guidelines FNP app and take your skillset to the next level! Developed by Springer Publishing, this user-friendly app offers a wealth of features to support nurse practitioners in their day-to-day practice. From step-by-step instructions for physical examinations to comprehensive guidelines for primary care, this app has it all. Gain access to valuable information on health promotion, dietary guidelines, and culturally responsive care, ensuring that you can provide the best possible care to your patients. With a plethora of patient resources at your fingertips, this app is a must-have for any nurse practitioner. Click now to download!



  • Great
    2024-06-24 09:32:25
  • Helpful and easy
    2024-06-23 18:52:44
  • I installed it and didn't open it right away. Now, I can't even get in to it and there doesn't appear to be Any way to contact support.
    2024-06-23 09:23:56
  • Not enough info. UNINSTALLED! In response to your reply... there is almost nothing available for the initial download. The app is advertised as free to get the consumer to download it, then everything of any relevance to practice is for paid version. Not Good Practice! And the information that is available on free version is in my opinion RANDOM TRASH! After being tricked to download this mess, I wouldn't buy the paid version! Looking for other options!
    2024-06-22 11:44:18
  • You cannot discern articles from clinical guidelines! Plus when you click on an item, it comes up with completely different information. There are much better and more organized apps than this one.
    2024-06-21 23:53:01