softgarden (employer)

4/5 Votes: 36
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The softgarden App revolutionizes hiring for managers and recruiters, giving you the power to manage applicants anytime, anywhere. Say goodbye to wasted time during your commute or travel - now you can review applicant details even without an internet connection. With just a few taps, you can view new applicants and assess their suitability for interviews using thumb voting. Plus, the app features a handy Team Chat function, allowing you to easily discuss and collaborate with your colleagues about potential candidates. Streamline your hiring process and make informed decisions with the softgarden App.

Features of softgarden (employer):

- Mobile accessibility: The App allows hiring managers and recruiters to manage their applicants from anywhere, providing flexibility and convenience.

- Offline usability: Unlike most Apps, this one does not require an internet connection, enabling users to utilize it even in areas with limited connectivity, like during travel.

- Comprehensive applicant view: The App offers a detailed view of each application, regardless of the stage it is in the hiring process, giving recruiters a holistic understanding of applicants.

- Thumb voting feature: By employing the thumb voting feature, recruiters can easily communicate their preference of interviewing or not interviewing a particular applicant, facilitating efficient decision-making.

- Collaborative communication: Through the Team Chat feature, users can engage in discussions with colleagues about applicants, fostering collaboration and knowledge sharing.

- Time optimization: With the App, recruiters can make effective use of time that would otherwise be unproductive, such as during commutes or while waiting, enhancing productivity and efficiency in the hiring process.


The softgarden App is a user-friendly and versatile tool that empowers hiring managers and recruiters to manage their applicants seamlessly. With features such as mobile accessibility, offline usability, comprehensive applicant view, thumb voting, collaborative communication, and time optimization, this App makes the hiring process more efficient and convenient. Click now to download and revolutionize your recruitment endeavors.



  • Könnte nicht einloggen. Hab Passwort-Reset versucht, es hat 2x gezeigt dass eine Email geschickt würde, aber keiner bekommen!
    2024-06-22 09:26:21
  • Oops something went wrong and other sync issues. You are also not meant to switch between applications: you'll have to re-enter your password every time. Fingerprint entry does not work the way you'd expect it...
    2024-06-22 05:39:36