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Introducing Flybook, the innovative app that revolutionizes the way we discover new books. Tired of browsing the best-seller lists, unsure of what to read next? With Flybook, you can now explore book recommendations from people who matter to you - your colleagues, friends, and even your favorite celebrities! The app, which can be easily accessed with your Facebook or email account, allows you to follow others and gain insight into their reading patterns. You can find book information on your news feed, making it effortless to discover books that align with your taste. With a simple search function, you can also find books by title or author and record ones you've read or want to read. And the best part? You can engage in lively discussions about the books you love with your friends on the app itself.

Features of Flybook:

* Connect with friends and discover new books: The app allows you to join and connect with your friends, colleagues, and even celebrities to see what books they have been reading. It offers a unique and exciting way to find new books that are suitable for your preferences.

* Easy and convenient sign-up process: You can easily join the app using your Facebook account or email account. This simplifies the registration process and allows you to quickly start exploring the world of books.

* Personalized news feed: The app provides a news feed where you can see the book recommendations and reading patterns of your friends. This feature helps you stay updated with the latest books that are popular among your social circle.

* Interactive book discussions: Once you find a book that interests you, you can post about it, share it on your social media channels, and engage in discussions with your friends. This promotes a sense of community and allows you to connect with others who have similar reading interests.

* Efficient book search: The app allows you to search for books by title or author. This makes it easy to find specific books that you are interested in or discover new ones by your favorite authors.

* Book tracking and purchase: You can keep track of the books you have read or want to read within the app. Additionally, the app plans to support an online store soon, making it convenient for you to purchase books directly through the app.


This app offers a fresh and exciting way to connect with friends and discover new books. With its personalized news feed, interactive discussions, and efficient book search, users can easily find books that match their preferences and engage in meaningful conversations about literature. Don't miss out on this opportunity to make reading a social and enjoyable experience - download the app now and start exploring!



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