Tank Stars 2

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Playgendary Limited
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Tank Stars 2 is an exhilarating tank shooting game that brings the excitement of large-scale battles to your fingertips. With impressive graphics and a strategic gameplay, this sequel to the popular tank game is sure to captivate players of all levels. Choose from a wide selection of complete tanks, each with its own unique shape and devastating firepower. Engage in intense battles as you strategically bombard the battlefield to eliminate your enemies. Patience and intelligent decision-making are key to victory in this game. Unleash the power of your tanks, follow a well-thought-out strategy, and seize the perfect opportunity to unleash fire on your opponents. With new and more powerful tanks, innovative combat mechanics, and the ability to team up with others, the game offers endless hours of fun and excitement.

Features of Tank Stars 2:

* Power-Packed Tanks: Tank Stars 2 offers a wide selection of powerful tanks with unique abilities and devastating firepower. From the healing abilities of Vladimir to the defensive strength of Mountain, each tank brings its own strategic advantage to the battlefield, allowing you to create the perfect tank squad.

* Exciting Battles: Engage in fast-paced battles on a large battlefield with uneven terrain. Take turns attacking your opponents and use your tank's cannon to fire bullets at the enemy's position. Calculate the angle and force of your shots to maximize damage and secure victory. The back and forth attacks create an exhilarating gameplay experience.

* Diverse Skills: Skills play a crucial role in the game, giving you the ability to turn the tides of battle. Choose from a wide range of skills, such as cluster bullets for extra damage, shields for protection, healing abilities, and even an atomic bomb to obliterate your enemies. Experiment with different skill combinations to find the perfect strategy for your tank squad.

* Mysterious Gift Boxes: Want to get your hands on more powerful tanks and new skills without spending a fortune? Purchase mysterious gift boxes from the in-game store. These boxes contain a variety of surprises, including new skills, weapons, and even the chance to unlock a brand new tank. Collect and use these resources to level up your tanks and stay ahead of the competition.

Tips for Users:

* Plan Your Shots: Take your time to calculate the angle and force of your shots. Aim for the enemy's weak spots or areas with high concentration to deal the most damage. Don't rush your shots and consider the terrain's impact on the projectile's trajectory.

* Coordinate with Teammates: In multiplayer mode, teamwork is essential. Coordinate with your teammates to create powerful attack combos and overwhelm your opponents. Communicate and strategize to maximize the effectiveness of your tank squad.

* Adapt and Learn: Each battle in Tank Stars 2 is a learning opportunity. Experiment with different tanks, skills, and strategies to find what works best for you. Adapt to the strengths and weaknesses of your opponents and constantly improve your gameplay skills.


Tank Stars 2 offers a thrilling tank shooting experience with its powerful tanks, exciting battles, diverse skills, and the chance to unlock new resources through mysterious gift boxes. Plan your shots, coordinate with teammates, and adapt your strategies to dominate the battlefield. Download the game now and experience the adrenaline-pumping action for yourself!