Falling Up

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Israel Ruiz
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Experience the thrills and challenges of climbing the corporate ladder with Falling Up. Join Honest John on an exciting journey through the ins and outs of office life as you strive to become an amazing CEO. But beware, not everything is as it seems. Discover the truth behind the game as you navigate through unexpected obstacles and make tough decisions. Are you ready for the ultimate test of honesty, integrity, and hard work? Download Falling Up now and see if you have what it takes to succeed! Created by One Too Many Games for the 7 Days Community Game Jam.

Features of Falling Up:

* Realistic Office Simulation: Falling Up provides players with a realistic simulation of office life, allowing them to experience the ups and downs of climbing the corporate ladder.

* Engaging Storyline: Follow Honest John as he guides you through the ins and outs of office life, presenting a captivating storyline and keeping players intrigued throughout the game.

* Strategic Decision-Making: Exercise your decision-making skills as you face various challenges and tough choices in the game. Your choices will have consequences, influencing your success in climbing the corporate ladder.

* Beautiful Visuals: Immerse yourself in the visually stunning world of Falling Up, with exceptional graphics and attention to detail that enhance the overall gaming experience and engagement.

* Multiple Endings: Explore different paths and make crucial decisions that will lead to various outcomes, offering replayability to discover new endings and experiences each time you play.

* Entertaining Gameplay: With intuitive controls and addictive gameplay mechanics, Falling Up ensures an enjoyable and immersive gaming experience that will keep you coming back for more.

In conclusion, Falling Up is a captivating and visually stunning office simulation game that challenges your decision-making skills. With an engaging storyline, multiple endings, and entertaining gameplay, this game provides an enjoyable and immersive experience for players. Experience the thrills and pitfalls of climbing the corporate ladder in Falling Up – download now to start your journey to becoming an amazing CEO!