Erased Memories

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Erased Memories is a gripping mobile app that takes you on an extraordinary journey of mystery and revenge. As a young protagonist, you find yourself adopted by a loving gay couple who provide you with a nurturing environment. However, tragedy strikes when one of your fathers, Landon, is brutally killed one week before his crucial campaign for State Governor. The police's futile investigation classifies it as a simple robbery, leaving you devastated and seeking justice. Armed with only a single clue - a coin left by the killer at the crime scene - your quest begins as you unravel the secrets hidden within the walls of St. Remith University. Can you defy the odds and uncover the truth behind Erased Memories?

Features of Erased Memories:


Step into the shoes of a young boy and unravel a dark mystery in the app. This enthralling interactive game takes you on a thrilling journey as you navigate through an intriguing plotline and uncover the truth behind the tragic death of your activist father. With its captivating features and immersive gameplay, Erased Memories is bound to keep you hooked from start to finish.

Engaging Storyline:

Immerse yourself in a riveting narrative filled with unexpected twists and turns. Explore the aftermath of your father's untimely demise and delve into a world of political intrigue, secrets, and hidden motives.

Interactive Gameplay:

Make choices that influence the outcome of the game as you progress through various stages, each offering a unique set of dilemmas and challenges. Your decisions will shape the overall storyline, leading to different endings, enhancing replay ability.

Captivating Visuals:

Experience breathtaking graphics that bring the game's world to life. From vivid environments to detailed character designs, every element combines to create an aesthetically pleasing experience that enhances immersion.

Intricate Puzzle Solving:

Put your problem-solving skills to the test as you unravel complex puzzles intertwined within the narrative. Discover hidden clues, decode ciphers, and solve riddles to piece together the truth behind your father's mysterious death.

Tips for users:

Pay Attention to Details:

Closely observe your surroundings, investigate every nook and cranny, and take notes of any potential clues or suspicious information. Attention to detail is key in progressing through the game.

Think Outside the Box:

Be prepared to think creatively when faced with challenging puzzles. Sometimes, the answers may not be immediately apparent, so exploring different perspectives and considering unconventional solutions could prove to be crucial.

Explore Multiple Paths:

Given the game's branching narrative structure, don't hesitate to retrace your steps and make different choices. This will unlock new storylines, character interactions, and potential leads, allowing you to uncover additional layers of the plot.


Erased Memories is an immersive, captivating, and thought-provoking interactive mystery game that transports players into a world filled with secrets and suspense. With its engaging storyline, interactive gameplay, stunning visuals, and intricate puzzle-solving, this game offers an unforgettable gaming experience. Channel your inner detective, piece together the scattered memories, and uncover the truth behind your father's murder. Are you ready to embark on this gripping adventure? Download Erased Memories now and delve into a thrilling mystery that will keep you on the edge of your seat.