Shkarko aplikacionin shqiptar "Gjeni Kengetarin" - një lojë argëtuese falas për të gjithë shqiptarët! Loja është e thjeshtë: duhet të gjeni emrin e kengetarit te fotografia e tij të fshehur. Kjo lojë mund të përdoret vetëm për t'ju kënaqur kur keni pak kohë të lirë ose për të marrë një sfidë pranë të tjerëve në rrjetet sociale. Aplikacioni ofron 100 nivele të mbushura me kengetarët më të preferuar. Shkarko aplikacionin "Gjeni Kengetarin" tani dhe filloni kënaqësinë!
Features of Gjeni Kengetarin:
- Albanian Game: The app focuses on Albanian music and culture, providing users with a unique and engaging experience centered around popular Albanian singers.
- Photo Recognition: Users can upload a photo of a famous singer and the app will identify their name, making it easy to find information about them.
- Multilingual Support: The app supports the Albanian language, allowing users to navigate and interact with the content seamlessly.
- Progressive Difficulty Levels: With 100 levels, the game gradually increases in difficulty, challenging users to test their knowledge of Albanian singers and their hit songs.
- Social Sharing: Users can easily share their achievements and progress on their preferred social media platforms, allowing them to connect and compete with friends.
- Free to Download: The app can be downloaded for free, making it accessible to a wide range of users who are interested in Albanian music and gaming.
Gjeni Kengetarin offers a unique experience, allowing users to test their knowledge of famous Albanian singers and their hit songs. The app's features, including photo recognition, multilingual support, progressive difficulty levels, social sharing, and free download, make it engaging, user-friendly, and appealing to Albanian music enthusiasts. Don't miss out on the opportunity to explore the vibrant world of Albanian music - click to download now!