GUESS 81 is your ultimate shopping companion, offering exclusive perks and rewards for GUESSList loyalty program members. Redeem bonus points for cash rewards and access your digital card right through the app. Be the first to shop special collections, collaborations, and new arrivals, and enjoy exclusive in-app offers. Personalize your shopping experience by adding your favorite styles to your Wishlist, and easily shop them 24/7. Can't find your size in-store? Simply scan the tag to purchase your size right from the app. Click to download now and start enjoying the benefits!
Features of GUESS 81:
- 20% off and free shipping on first in-app purchase.
- GUESS List loyalty program integration for VIP treatment and bonus points.
- Cash rewards and access to digital card for GUESS List members.
- Exclusive in-app offers and notifications about nearby events for GUESS List members.
- Personal shopping assistant to easily shop favorite styles and add them to Wishlist.
- Scan tags to purchase right from the app if size is not available in-store.
With features like exclusive offers, notifications about events, and a personal shopping assistant, users can have a seamless and enjoyable shopping experience. The option to scan tags for purchasing right from the app also adds convenience for customers. Overall, GUESS 81 provides a user-friendly interface and attractive incentives to entice users to download and use it.