112 Suomi

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Introducing 112 Suomi, the ultimate mobile app for emergencies and problem situations. Developed in collaboration with Finnish security-sector companies, this app is your go-to resource for finding the right help quickly. When you make a call through the app, it automatically provides your precise location to the Emergency Response Centre, Road Users' Hotline, and Maritime Rescue Centre. Plus, it offers hotlines for non-urgent situations, helps you locate the nearest defibrillator, and allows you to make a travel registration when going abroad. Stay informed and avoid dangerous situations with regional public safety alerts and notices from relevant authorities. Download 112 Suomi today and be prepared for any circumstance. Learn more on the Emergency Response Centre Agency website.

Features of 112 Suomi:

❤️ Emergency Services Access: The app allows users to quickly access emergency services and get help in emergencies and problem situations. By calling the emergency services through the app, your location information is automatically provided, ensuring a faster response.

❤️ Hotlines for Non-Urgent Situations: The app includes hotlines for non-urgent situations, providing assistance and guidance in various scenarios. Additionally, it allows users to locate the nearest defibrillator and make travel registrations when going abroad.

❤️ Procedure Cards and Stroke Symptoms: In case of emergencies, the app provides users with helpful procedure cards for boaters and a list of stroke symptoms, ensuring users have the necessary information to handle critical situations.

❤️ Regional Public Safety Alerts: The app functions as one of the statutory channels for public warnings, delivering regional public safety alerts and notices based on the user's phone location. This feature ensures users stay informed and can avoid potentially dangerous situations.

❤️ Terms and Conditions: By using the app, users agree to the Terms and Conditions set by the Emergency Response Centre Agency, ensuring transparency and accountability.

❤️ Accessibility Statement: The app's Accessibility Statement can be found on the Emergency Response Centre Agency website, providing information on the app's accessibility features and ensuring inclusivity.


The 112 Suomi App offers a range of essential features to help users during emergencies and problem situations. With quick access to emergency services, hotlines for non-urgent situations, and helpful information for boaters and stroke symptoms, users can feel more prepared and confident in handling critical situations. Additionally, the app provides regional public safety alerts and notices, ensuring users stay informed about potential dangers. By agreeing to the Terms and Conditions and accessing the Accessibility Statement, users can trust in the app's reliability and inclusivity. Click below to download the app and have peace of mind in emergencies.



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