JLPT N3 Listening practice

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JLPT N3 Listening practice provides a convenient and effective way to practice listening skills for the Japanese Language Proficiency Test N3. With audio files that have been processed using professional audio processing software, you can ensure a high-quality listening experience. All questions come with a listening script, allowing you to review and study at your own pace. The app offers a range of features, including a latest set of questions that can be accessed without registration, the ability to collect and focus on favorite sentences, mock tests to build confidence, mini tests for random question selection, and the option to adjust playback speed. Additionally, you can enjoy features such as custom practice modes, practice progress visualization, learning reminders, single sentence playback, loop playback, and dark mode. If you come across any mistakes, you can easily provide feedback through the app's contact information.

Features of JLPT N3 Listening practice:

⭐️ Japanese Listening Practice: The app is designed specifically for practicing listening skills in Japanese, especially for the Japanese Language Proficiency Test N3

⭐️ Professional Audio Processing: The audio files in the app are processed using professional audio processing software, ensuring high-quality sound for a better listening experience.

⭐️ Listening Script: Every question in the app comes with a listening script, allowing users to read along while listening and reinforcing their understanding of the language.

⭐️ Extensive Question Database: The app provides questions and answers from July 2010 to the latest available version in December 2023 offering a wide range of practice materials.

⭐️ Various Practice Options: Users can choose different practice modes, including a sample exam with answers, mock tests for better exam preparation, and mini tests with randomly selected questions.

⭐️ Customizable Features: The app allows users to adjust the playback speed, favorite and collect specific sentences for focused practice, and customize the practice mode and progress visualization.


Enhance your Japanese listening skills with this user-friendly app designed specifically for the Japanese Language Proficiency Test N3 Practice with confidence using the extensive question database, listening scripts, and customizable features. With professional audio processing and various practice options, this app provides an engaging and effective learning experience. Download JLPT N3 Listening practice now and start improving your Japanese listening skills today!



  • Thank you, good for practicing JLPT Listening skills. Has many examples.☺️
    2024-05-13 20:38:38