
4.2/5 Votes: 41
Books & Reference
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Freddy Harris
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Discover new volumes to add to your manga collection with the Manga Tracker app. Stay up to date with a personalized schedule of upcoming releases, so you never miss out on the latest chapters. Easily avoid buying duplicates by having a complete list of all your manga titles at your fingertips. The app also provides a schedule of all manga releases, and with a personalized schedule tailored to your collection, you can easily keep track of all the manga you follow. Get organized and never miss a release again - download Manga Tracker now!

Features of this App:

- Add volumes to your manga collection: With this app, you can easily add new volumes to your manga collection. This feature allows you to keep track of the manga series you own and avoid purchasing duplicates.

- Personalized schedule of upcoming releases: The app provides a personalized schedule of upcoming manga releases. This feature ensures that you never miss any new chapters or volumes of your favorite manga series.

- Complete list of all your manga: The application keeps a complete list of all the manga you own. This feature helps you easily manage and organize your manga collection in one place.

- Schedule of all manga releases: In addition to the personalized schedule, the app also offers a comprehensive schedule of all manga releases. This feature allows you to explore and discover new manga series and stay updated with their release dates.

- At-a-glance overview of manga releases: The app provides an at-a-glance overview of all the releases of the manga series you follow. This feature helps you quickly see the latest chapters or volumes that have been released, making it easy to stay up to date with your favorite manga.

- User-friendly and visually appealing interface: The app is designed with a user-friendly and visually appealing interface. This feature ensures that the contents of the app are easy to read and navigate, making it enjoyable for users to use and encouraging them to click and download the app.


In conclusion, this manga management app offers several features that make it a valuable tool for manga enthusiasts. From adding new volumes to your collection to providing personalized and comprehensive schedules, this app helps users stay organized and up to date with their favorite manga series. With its user-friendly interface and useful features, this app is worth considering for manga lovers who want to enhance their manga reading experience.



  • Très bonne application pour gérer sa collection et connaître les prochaines sorties. ça fait un ans que je l'utilise et ça devient mieux à chaque mise à jour, le premium me tente vraiment haha. Petite suggestion pourquoi pas dans l'onglet "recherche" une option "par genre" ça serait parfait en plus des 3 autres pour peaufiner ces recherches. Bonne continuation.
    2023-12-12 16:55:30
  • C'est une app vraiment excellente pour gérer sa collection et gérer les nouveautés. J'espère que la commande sur Amazon sera bientôt implémenté ♥️
    2023-12-12 14:55:59
  • 2023-12-11 20:10:49
  • i hate it
    2023-12-11 02:15:44
  • Un Banger !! Tu recherches une app pour gérer efficacement et intelligemment ta collection, qu'importe la taille, c'est l'application qui répond à tous ces critères Simple, ergonomique et agréable Merci Freddy PS : fait plus de com comme celle faite dans manga sûr
    2023-12-10 23:52:16
  • not english
    2023-12-08 22:24:59