The Regrid Property App

4.1/5 Votes: 76
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The Regrid Property App is a game-changer for anyone looking to explore the world of land and property information. With just a tap on your smart phone, you can access detailed property data and boundaries for over 156 million parcels across the US. No matter where you are, you can easily view lot lines, property addresses, owners, sale prices, and more. Best of all, the basic version of the app is completely free! But if you upgrade to the Pro plan, the possibilities are endless. You'll have access to additional mapping tools, follow feature for updates on your favorite properties, and premium data fields like vacancy and land use. Don't miss out on this incredible app that's perfect for property finders, real estate enthusiasts, and even hunters looking to uncover land ownership. Join millions of satisfied users and unlock the world of land and property information with the Regrid Property App.

Features of The Regrid Property App:

❤️ Map-based interface: The app utilizes a map-based solution, making it easy to view property data and parcel boundaries.

❤️ Extensive property information: Users can access extensive public record property boundaries and details nationwide, with no caps or time limits, simply by providing an email address.

❤️ Search functionality: Users can easily search for properties by address or place, allowing for quick and convenient property find.

❤️ Property customization: With the follow feature, users can create a personalized list of properties they care about and receive automated updates when changes occur.

❤️ Additional basemap layers: The app offers additional basemap layers, including building footprints and elevation contours overlaid on property boundaries, providing users with more comprehensive information.

❤️ Premium data fields: Users who subscribe to the Pro plan gain access to premium data fields such as vacancy, land use, building footprint data, and residential & vacancy indicator.


The Regrid Property App is a powerful and user-friendly tool for accessing land and property information. With its map-based interface and extensive property database, users can easily find and view data for millions of properties across the US. Whether it's for real estate purposes, hunting, or simply exploring the world of land and property, this app provides comprehensive information and customization options. Download the app now to unlock the full potential of property information at your fingertips.



  • On 4-10-20 a customer reported the search not even worked the company replied to the rating and said they could have a bug fix and remedy it quickly. I just downloaded the app after reading that, it still doesnt work. I feel it wluld be TONS better amd really hope that they are working to rendwy this issue on the next bug fix. The search not working is my major complaint.
    2024-03-15 13:34:37
  • I wanted to like this app so much but it kept glitching on me. It would tell me there's no data for that county and then data would load but the "no data" popup box wouldn't go away so I could move around or click on properties. I also wish it loaded faster and didn't tell me there's no data if there is in fact data
    2024-03-14 18:54:48
  • Pretty good, but it is often off by as much as 20 Meters. I think this is more of an issue of alligning the map with the signal. I have tested the same locations multiple times. For example, when driving on the road near my house, the map depicts me way out in the field. However, it is consistent.
    2024-03-14 08:33:41
  • Each version gets worse n worse. I'd rather keep features than keeps adding features than pay for all these engineers. The base systems are slowly being eroded. First they want my info, now they want my card for just basic use. I think I'll give my money to onX for more services given I don't hardly use this.
    2024-03-14 04:48:52
  • Last update gave a significant performance boost! I wish it was possible to lock/reset North as up. It also forgets what layers I had selected every time the app is restarted. Otherwise excellent for my needs.
    2024-03-14 00:57:36
  • I had my property surveyed about 3 years ago. I wanted to see how accurate this app was. The company I had do it is professional and nation wide and will go to court if a dispute ever happens. However, I am getting ready to have my property logged and the markers are few and far between. When I went to the edge of my line, this app had me more than 20 steps past their marker. This apps GPS is not at all accurate.
    2024-03-13 22:41:25