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Discover MyNoveoCare, the mobile app that simplifies all the steps related to your health insurance! Wherever you are, easily and securely access the following features for free: upload and manage your documents and invoices online, check your latest reimbursements in real-time, view and download your third-party payment card, update your contact information, submit hospital coverage requests, find nearby healthcare professionals (opticians, dentists, radiologists) with whom we have agreements for direct billing, and communicate with NoveoCare. This app is designed for policyholders of health insurance contracts managed by NoveoCare (formerly GFP) and requires an internet connection. Click here to download now.

Features of this App:

- File upload and storage: Users can easily upload and store their supporting documents and invoices online, eliminating the need for physical paperwork.

- Real-time reimbursement tracking: Users can stay up to date with their latest reimbursement status, ensuring transparency and timely payment.

- Digital health insurance card: Users can access and download their digital health insurance card, eliminating the need to carry a physical card.

- Personal information management: Users can view and update their contact and address details, ensuring accurate information for communication and correspondence.

- Hospitalization request submission: Users can easily submit their hospitalization requests, streamlining the process and reducing paperwork.

- Geo-location of healthcare providers: Users can locate healthcare professionals, such as opticians, dentists, and radiologists, who have agreements for direct payment, making it convenient for users to access quality healthcare services.


MyNoveoCare is a mobile application that simplifies the process of managing supplementary health insurance. With features such as file upload, real-time reimbursement tracking, digital health insurance cards, and easy access to healthcare providers, the app offers convenience and efficiency to users. By eliminating the need for physical paperwork and providing a user-friendly interface, MyNoveoCare aims to enhance the user experience and streamline healthcare related processes. This app is dedicated to the insured individuals managed by NoveoCare and requires an internet connection. Download it now to simplify your health insurance management!



  • J'ai une mutuelle entreprise et je suis pris en charge à 100% dans la majorité des actes. Cependant cela fait environ 3 mois que je paye des centaines d'euro pour frais d'hospitalisation sans aucun remboursement de cette mutuelle !!! A quoi sert d'envoyer des messages si on ne reçoit pas de réponse ? A quoi sert de charger des justificatifs de remboursement s’ils ne seront pas traités ? Et surtout à quoi sert une mutuelle qui ne rembourse pas ? Si seulement Google me permet de mettre 0...
    2023-12-04 17:41:39
  • Une fois connecté à l'application, il est impossible de se déconnecter : pas de bouton déconnexion. L'accès aux données personnelles est permanent dans la saisie de login/MDP et n'est donc pas sécurisé. Seule possibilité : désinstallé l'application.
    2023-12-03 22:40:17