Genealogical trees of families

4/5 Votes: 76
Art & Design
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Dmitriy Konyuhov
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Introducing our app, FamilyTree! This user-friendly software is designed to help you preserve your family history and build detailed family trees. With FamilyTree, you can easily collect, organize, and display information about your family members, including their biographies, photos, and videos. The app offers a range of functions, such as constructing genealogical trees, compiling family books and photo albums, storing important documents, and even analyzing DNA data. FamilyTree allows you to export and import GEDCOM and ZIP files, making it convenient to share and transfer your family history. Download FamilyTree now and start preserving your family's legacy!

Features of the App:

- Family Information Storage: The app allows you to store detailed information about your family members, including their parents and children. You can easily keep track of their biographies, photos, and video materials.

- Genealogical Tree Construction: With this app, you can create both ascending and descending genealogical trees in 2D and 3D formats. This feature helps you visualize and understand your family history better.

- Personal Genealogical Branch: The app enables you to construct personal genealogical branches in both ascending and descending formats. This allows you to focus on specific individuals within your family tree.

- Circular Genealogical Table: You can also create circular genealogical tables, which provide a unique and visually appealing way to represent your family history.

- Photo and Video Albums: The app allows you to compile general and personal photo albums and video archives of your family. You can easily store and organize your precious memories in one place.

- Data Storage and Import/Export: The app provides secure storage for photocopies of documents, information about family members' phenotype, and DNA data analysis. Additionally, you can export and import GEDCOM files and ZIP files for easy sharing and collaboration.


With its comprehensive features for preserving and organizing family history, this app is a must-have for anyone interested in genealogy. It simplifies the process of collecting and displaying information about family members, making it easy to create detailed family trees, biographies, and multimedia albums. Whether you want to explore your ancestry or simply keep track of your loved ones, this app offers a user-friendly interface and powerful tools. Download now to start building your family's legacy!



  • Good app. The most important thing is that this is a very useful app, and not just some kind of game.
    2023-12-24 20:10:56
  • Keypad goes over half the calendar so you can't set the birthdate plus it's one of those scroll down things for the year, which isn't the best option for creating a geneological tree that goes back 5000 years.
    2023-12-23 17:35:31