
4/5 Votes: 72
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Dootix SA
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FriActiv is an innovative app that allows users to explore and experience new places, whether they are nearby or far away. With the app, users can choose from a variety of routes tailored to their interests, whether it be for tourism, culture, or sports. It caters to people of all age groups, ensuring that everyone can find something that suits their needs and desires. Developed in collaboration with the Sports Service of the Canton of Fribourg, the Union fribourgeoise du tourisme, and the Fédération fribourgeoise de gymnastique, FriActiv offers an attractive and diverse range of activities. The app originated from a Bachelor's thesis at the University of Engineering and Architecture of Fribourg (HEIA-FR), showcasing its cutting-edge technology and expertise.

Features of FriActiv:

- Discover new places: With this app, users can explore both nearby and far-off locations, making it perfect for travel enthusiasts.

- Varied route options: The application offers a wide range of routes, catering to the interests of different users, whether it's for tourism, culture, or sports. There is something for everyone.

- User-friendly interface: The app is designed with the user in mind, ensuring a seamless and intuitive experience. It is easy to navigate and provides a hassle-free way to access the routes.

- Collaboration with experts: The app has been developed in collaboration with the Sports Service of the Canton of Fribourg, the Union fribourgeoise du tourisme, and the Fédération fribourgeoise de gymnastique. This ensures that users receive high-quality content and recommendations.

- Academic backing: The app originated from the University of Engineering and Architecture of Fribourg, where it was developed as a Bachelor's thesis. This academic support guarantees that the app is built on solid research and technical expertise.

- Customized experience: Recognizing the diverse needs and desires of the population, the app is sensitive to different age groups. It tailors the movement offers based on individual preferences, making it suitable for people of all ages.


All adventure seekers and culture enthusiasts, FriActiv with its user-friendly interface, allowing users to effortlessly discover new places and explore diverse routes. Developed in collaboration with experts and supported by academic research, the app ensures top-notch recommendations and a personalized experience. Whether you're interested in tourism, culture, or sports, FriActiv has something exciting in store for everyone. Click now to download and embark on your next thrilling journey!