Advanced Download Manager Pro

4.2/5 Votes: 73
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Advanced Download Manager Pro is the ultimate lifeline for anyone struggling with a shaky or sluggish internet connection. If you constantly find yourself frustrated by interrupted downloads, this app is the answer to your prayers. Not only does it seamlessly intercept downloads from your browser and clipboard, but it also enables you to initiate multiple streams simultaneously. And here's the game-changer: it allows you to resume downloads after an unexpected communication failure. Say goodbye to the agony of starting your downloads from scratch! With Advanced Download Manager, smooth and uninterrupted downloads are no longer just a dream.

Features of Advanced Download Manager Pro:

- Stable and Reliable Download Manager: This app is designed to be a reliable companion for users struggling with unstable or slow Internet connections. It ensures seamless and uninterrupted downloads, even in challenging network conditions.

- Intercept Downloads from Browser and Clipboard: With this app, users can conveniently initiate and manage downloads directly from their browser or clipboard. Say goodbye to the hassle of copying and pasting download links – this app intercepts them for you.

- Simultaneous Multistream Downloads: This app stands out by supporting simultaneous multistream downloads. It means you can download multiple files at once, saving you time and effort. No more waiting for one download to finish before starting another.

- Resume Downloads after Communication Failure: The most significant advantage of this app is its ability to resume file downloads after a communication failure. You no longer need to worry about losing progress due to network issues – simply pick up where you left off.

- User-friendly Interface: With a simple and intuitive interface, this app is designed for all types of users. It provides easy-to-understand controls and options, making it a user-friendly download manager suitable for everyone.

- Enhance Download Speed: By optimizing download speed, this app ensures faster and more efficient downloads. It maximizes the available bandwidth and provides an enhanced downloading experience.


Advanced Download Manager Pro is the perfect solution for those struggling with unstable or slow Internet connections. With features like intercepting downloads, simultaneous multistream downloading, resume function, and enhanced download speed, this app guarantees seamless and hassle-free file downloads. Its user-friendly interface makes it accessible to all users, ensuring a smooth and enjoyable downloading experience. Don't wait, download this app now to optimize your downloading process.



  • Work well before update... Now when I tab the link it's not auto proses to apps but to the play store on *open page button* .... try uninstall and again same..
    2024-05-20 15:50:18
  • Absolutely AMAZING. Chrome hits about 200-500kbs per second but this makes it up to 3mb per second. Not only that, but the ui is so much easier to handle than most apps. It is a truly amazing app, I would recommend for anyone with slow internet/bad ui.
    2024-05-20 11:11:40
  • Thought this could be an amazing app when updated but it's not making any sense anymore why would it be updated when it's starts to dragging sooner you update the app
    2024-05-19 08:54:17
  • It was much better back then. Now it's only spamming Ads, literally every 1 minute. Instead of spamming Ads so often, fix the UI. If you select few fownloads in the list and deselect them, you can't select anything anymore. The downloads light up for a second and then nothing. The browser could use some fixings, sometimes if you wanna go back to download list, the tab closes and everything is lost and there are no other options to do this. Catching links from other browsers could be good too.
    2024-05-18 23:32:04
  • From the first time i started using this app it was super cool fast and easy to use... Nw with the new version if it it diwnloads the movies suoer slow instead of fast and it stop halfway and doesn't want to download further... So its getting borring and irritating and it makes me angry
    2024-05-18 15:07:44
  • can you add an option that lets you pick the amount of time it should Auto-Resume the download for, before sending it to the ''Finished'' list?
    2024-05-17 08:51:24