Splits Training in 30 Days

4.3/5 Votes: 34
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Looking to achieve full splits but not sure where to start? Look no further than Splits Training in 30 Days, the app designed for all levels, even beginners! This app combines static and dynamic splits to help you improve flexibility and see results faster than you thought possible. With just 10 minutes a day, you'll be getting closer and closer to the floor. Whether you're a dancer, gymnast, martial artist, or simply want to increase your muscle strength and flexibility, Splits Training has got you covered. Say goodbye to muscle stiffness and hello to better circulation with this app. Get started today and unlock a whole new level of flexibility and balance!

Features of Splits Training in 30 Days:

⭐️ Suitable for all levels: The app is designed for beginners and advanced users alike, so anyone can work towards achieving full splits.

⭐️ Customizable training plan: Users can personalize their splits training based on their preferences and goals, making it a tailored experience.

⭐️ Step-by-step directions: The app provides detailed instructions on how to perform the splits correctly, ensuring users do it safely and effectively.

⭐️ Record progress automatically: Users can track their progress over time, as the app automatically records their achievements and improvements.

⭐️ Easy-to-follow instruction: The app includes animations and video guides to make splits training easy to understand and follow, even for beginners.

⭐️ Home workout option: No need to go to the gym, as the app offers home workout splits training that allows users to exercise at their convenience.


Achieving full splits can seem daunting, but with the Splits Training in 30 Days app, it becomes an attainable goal. Suitable for everyone from beginners to advanced users, the app provides step-by-step directions, customizable training plans, and automatic progress tracking. With easy-to-follow instructions and a home workout option, users can improve their flexibility and get closer to their splits goals from the comfort of their own homes. Start your splits journey today and experience great changes in just a few weeks! Click here to download the app now.



  • Really great app! Voice over to talk to you as you exercise, giving little advice and tips here and there. Cute pictures to illustrate what to do but also explain in detail if you're unsure with a pose. I haven't completed 30 days so I can't say yet if it works, but it's definitely worth trying out. Lastly, ads are around but nothing major nor interrupting. Xx
    2024-04-21 00:04:47
  • I have done 1 exercise. I like the robot voice and the clear instructions. My goal is not to do the splits but to regain some flexibility in my hips. The ad is at the end of the 15 minute exercise. I will be adding this to my rowing workouts. It made me set a reminder. I might go through and see if I can turn this off. I hate getting phone notifications.
    2024-04-20 21:27:11
  • Too early for me to say whether this actually works or not as I'm in 3rd day of beginner challenge. Hence I'm reviewing just the app. It is too good. It's audio enabled hence you don't have to move from your posture to know the timing. You get the alert. Also, at beginner level the exercises seem very doable with difficulty increasing each day. It looks like a very structured program. And no ads during exercise!!
    2024-04-20 18:36:53
  • I'm on day 71 now and there are some ways the app could improve, there's one specific exercise that's been in virtually every day that really messes with my knees so I never do it and substitute something else, I would really like if you could remove an exercise from coming up. I also think a "medal scheme" would be a great motivator. Otherwise its a great app, ads aren't too intrusive.
    2024-04-20 18:28:33
  • Wonderful app! Great workouts, not too long but efficient! I like the daily reminders and the planned breaks. The womans voice is a bit robotic but small thing compared to how great the rest of the app is. Big recommend! I'm a week in and definitely feel like if I stick with the program, my splits will come, or be very very close, by the end of the 30 days. I'm currently on the intermediate track.
    2024-04-20 17:09:33
  • I'm on my 3rd day & I really like this app! Its fast, easy to use, & is user friendly. I like how the work outs are set up. Each move is listed with times & has a description of the moves. The only thing missing is stretching after the workout, but I understand this is a splits workout only. The ads don't get in the way of the workouts, so far. Thank you for the free use, it's awesome so far & I'll keep recommending it.
    2024-04-20 16:26:45