
How to Create the Ultimate Unboxing Experience for Your Customers

In the age of e-commerce, the unboxing experience has become an integral part of customer satisfaction. It’s the moment when anticipation meets delight, and it can leave a lasting impression. But how can businesses create an unboxing experience that truly wows their customers? 

Let’s explore some of our favorite tips.

1. Design Appealing Packaging

First impressions are everything. And, believe it or not, you can set that first impression before the customer even interacts with the product. Think of your packaging as the cover of the book. When it’s well-designed and pleasing, it changes everything.

The choice of packaging materials goes beyond mere functionality; it should also align with your brand identity and the nature of the products you offer. For example, if your brand emphasizes luxury and elegance, opting for high-quality, tactile materials can communicate this effectively. Conversely, if your products are eco-friendly or sustainable, using recyclable or biodegradable packaging materials can further emphasize your commitment to these values.

2. Add Personal Touches

Packaging goes beyond the box, bag, or “shell” that the product is placed in. It also has to do with how the items are placed inside of the packaging. This is where having a trained company in your back pocket helps. Third-party companies like Peoria Production Solutions are trained on how to properly kit and package products for an engaging unboxing experience. They give you creativity, consistency, and – ultimately – a competitive advantage.

Another thing a pick and pack company can do for you is customize packaging with personal touches. For example, if you’re running a holiday promotion, you can instruct them to add a free holiday-themed sample in every order that’s packaged and shipped leading up to the holiday. 

3. Embrace Sustainability

Sustainability is no longer just a buzzword that businesses toss around in conference room meetings. It’s become an expectation within the marketplace – particularly among younger consumers.

As more people actively seek out products and brands that demonstrate a commitment to eco-friendliness, a shift is happening. This shift in consumer behavior is partly driven by the desire to reduce their ecological footprint and support businesses that share these values. Consequently, sustainable packaging is a win-win situation, benefiting both your brand and the environment.

Customers notice when packaging materials aren’t eco-friendly. (After all, they’re the ones compacting the packaging and tossing it in the trash.) If you’re using a bunch of styrofoam or other materials that are difficult for them to throw away, it leaves a sour taste in their mouth. On the other hand, if you’re using things like corrugated cardboard and recycled plastic, they’ll recognize the efforts you’re taking.

4. Create Shareable Moments

Social media has changed everything. It used to be that the unboxing of a product had minimal large-scale impact on customer sentiment because it was an isolated experience that happened in the privacy of your own home. Who was going to take the time and effort to call up friends and tell them about how beautiful the packaging was?

Today, people often share their unboxing experiences on social media. There are even entire YouTube channels and TikTok accounts that are entirely based around unboxing products. Each year, people spend thousands of hours watching these videos. 

If you want your products to be a part of this trend, you have to create shareable moments. Add personal touches, include surprise elements, place hidden messages inside – do something creative! Unpredictability adds a sense of excitement to the process. 

5. Gather Feedback

It’s important that you ask your customers for feedback on the unboxing experience. Call up your customers, send emails, and do your best to zero in on which elements they like or don’t like. (If there’s total indifference, this is an indication that you aren’t doing enough.)

We recommend setting some KPIs for your unboxing experience. You’ll have to determine what these are, but having concrete numbers and data points that you can point to will help your team understand which direction you’re trending.

Tap Into Your Competitive Advantage

When it comes to creating a competitive advantage in a crowded space, most business leaders think in terms of pricing, product quality, and marketing. But what if the simplest solution is staring you right in the face? By making the unboxing experience delightful and memorable for your customers, you leave a lasting impression that doesn’t quickly disappear or dissolve into the background. Thus, it becomes something they remember and talk about. 

An unboxing experience is easy to overlook. But with the right attention to detail, you can elevate your unboxing to the point that it becomes part of the larger brand experience – driving sales, retention, and loyalty for years to come!


Quality means doing it right when no one is looking.

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