App ID | im.skillbee.candidateapp |
Size | 17.4 MB |
Version | 11.08 |
Updated | 2022-06-04 |
Developer | Skillbee |
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Skillbee is indeed the most trusted, and completely free job search app to get gulf naukri quickly for gulf talent.
How to get a job using Skillbee?
1. Download the app
2. Complete the quick registration process.
3. Upload your documents and apply to your dream job.
Yes, It’s that easy to find jobs in Dubai, jobs in Abu Dhabi, jobs in Ras Al Khaimah, jobs in Um Al Quwain, jobs in Fujairah, jobs in Ajman, jobs in Sharjah, jobs in UAE, jobs in Kuwait, jobs in Qatar, jobs in Bahrain, jobs in Saudi Arabia, jobs in Oman, and all jobs across the Middle East.
Key Benefits:
Search for jobs: Find high salary jobs near you and explore new career opportunities with good payment, over 40000+ urgent jobs actively hiring for workers.
Find Best Career Opportunites: Get high paying job listings of top companies and small businesses that provide overtime as well in Dubai, UAE.
Jobs near you: Get the best jobs in Dubai, jobs in Abu Dhabi, jobs in Ras Al Khaimah, jobs in Um Al Quwain, jobs in Fujairah, jobs in Ajman, jobs in Sharjah, jobs in UAE, jobs in Kuwait, jobs in Qatar, jobs in Bahrain, jobs in Saudi Arabia, jobs in Oman, and entire Gulf.
Jobs Alerts: Get daily job alerts and stay updated about good salary job vacancies so you never miss an opportunity about online and walk in interviews near you.
HR/Recruiter Contact: Get instant access to HR phone numbers and talk to recruiters from top companies in Dubai and all over UAE directly on WhatsApp, Email, Botim, or Call.
Genuine and Trusted Jobs: We ensure that there are no agents or fake jobs on our job search platform, so you can apply for jobs in any career field without worrying about frauds/scams.
Feed: Engage with fellow workers and employers from all over the Middle East and share information about interviews, job hiring, job vacancies, job alerts, your talents, your workplace, and create meaningful relationships that’ll enhance your network and lead you to the best jobs.
Thousand of job opportunities at your fingertips: Find the latest ac/refrigeration jobs, accountant jobs, architect/interior designer jobs, back office/data entry jobs, beautician jobs, car maintenance jobs, carpenter jobs, cleaner/housekeeper jobs, content writer jobs, cook/chef jobs, customer support jobs, delivery jobs, domestic worker jobs, driver jobs, electrician jobs, engineer jobs, event management jobs, field sales jobs, fitter/fabricator jobs, graphic/design jobs, heavy equipment jobs, hotel staff jobs, hr/admin jobs, it/networking jobs, lab/pharma jobs, labor/helper jobs, legal jobs, managerial jobs, manufacturing jobs, marketing jobs, mason jobs, mechanic jobs, ndt/inspection jobs, nurse/ward boy jobs, painter/blaster jobs, plumber jobs, receptionist jobs, retail/counter jobs, rigger/signalman jobs, safety/HSE jobs, sales/bd jobs, scaffolding jobs, security guard jobs, tailor jobs, technician jobs, telesales jobs, training jobs, waiter/steward jobs, warehouse/logistics jobs, and welder jobs.
Additional Feature:
Daily live streams on our Skillbee Facebook page and Youtube channel where you can ask questions about new job vacancies and get job descriptions in your language.
Download the Skillbee App and apply to the latest jobs in UAE and take a step towards your golden future.
For any help or feedback WhatsApp on +91-8448918667.
Or email at: