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6 Reasons to Get a Fire Pit for Your Backyard

How do you use your backyard? Do you barbecue with friends, host movie nights, or hold meetings for a local organization? No matter how you use your backyard, your gatherings will be better when you have a fire pit.

  1. Fire pits are cheap to operate

Most people these days are concerned about their finances. Adding anything to their home that will increase the power bill is usually a no-go. However, fire pits aren’t always electric. 

Many units are designed to run on gas. For instance, eFireplace Store sells propane fire pits that hide the propane canister underneath the unit, completely out of the way.

Propane is considerably cheap. The biggest cost will be paying for your initial cylinders (tanks), but after that, it costs an average of $2-$3 per gallon to fill. A large, 4.5-gallon propane tank (also referred to as a “20-pound” tank) will last for a while, and will barely cost anything to refill.

  1. Fire brings people together

When your goal is to create an atmosphere that makes people feel good enough to share about their life, you need fire. Fire has been bringing people together for centuries, and it can add serious depth to your friendly gatherings.

Fire has a magical way of getting people to talk when they would normally be too shy. It can also encourage people to share more deeply about their lives. People are fascinated by and drawn to fire, so when you get a fire pit going, don’t be surprised if the shyest members of your group start to open up.

In a residential neighborhood, it might be illegal to make a bonfire in your yard, so a fire pit is the next best thing. A fire pit will contain your fire in a relatively safe manner, compared to a bonfire that just blazes on the ground. You don’t have to worry about the fire getting too big or out of control.

  1. Fire pits look amazing

When you’re not using your fire pit, it will make excellent backyard décor. Each time you walk out into the backyard and see it, you’ll think of all the fond memories you’ve created with your friends and family.

Having a fire pit is a great way to impress your guests, too. Even a simple fire pit will create a positive impression. You really don’t need anything elaborate to leave a positive impression on people. You just need something that makes your home feel cozier.

  1. You’ll want to eat outside

Sharing a meal outdoors is one of the best ways to spend your time with people you care about, but when it’s cold, nobody wants to stay outside. You could make the perfect steaks on the barbecue, and everyone will just run inside to eat.

A fire pit won’t necessarily provide all the warmth you’d need on a cold night, but it will influence people to stay outside and eat on slightly warmer nights. When people have a choice between eating inside or eating outside next to a fire pit, most people will choose the fire pit.

  1. You’ll want to throw more parties

If you don’t already throw parties, having a fire pit will make you want to start planning. There’s just something cool about having a spot in the backyard to gather around a fire.

If you’re part of an MLM group, you can use your backyard to host home parties where you recruit new members and sell your products.

Whether you throw parties for your friends, your neighbors, or a local group, people will find your space irresistible once they get a taste.

  1. You’ll enjoy alone time outside

Do you struggle to find peaceful, quiet alone time inside your house? Put a fire pit in your backyard and you’ll start spending more quality alone time outside. Just get a lounge chair and put it next to your fire pit so you can lie down and enjoy a book, a magazine, or a YouTube video on your laptop.

If you get a fire pit with an outer edge you can use it to stash some snacks and a beverage, like some soothing, hot chamomile tea.

Your décor says a lot about you

The décor you have inside and outside of your home says a lot about you, so choose wisely. Get a fire pit and tell everyone that your home is a cozy, wonderful place to hang out.


Quality means doing it right when no one is looking.

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